Monday, December 3, 2012

Gaming and Narrative

I do not consider myself a gamer nor do I feel that I am in any way able to provide a good opinion on the subject. I have heard a lot about gaming narrative and how disappointing they can be because of the lack of story or for better words, a good plot. Again, I can't point out any games because the most I've ever played seriously were all the mario games I was showered with as a young adult and some wii games that had to do with multiplayer physical exercising like wiiFit and their sports games. Those aside from the Mario games, never had a story and the only reason you would ever want to play them to begin with is if you wanted to beat someone else's score, or strive to be fit. If there was a story that went along with these games, I'm sure more people would want to exercise more because they'd get addicted to the story, wanting to do more, to find the end or what not. There needs to be a need for continuing and a wide variety of different material and things to do like any adventure game. One new type of gaming media that I image could help spawn this idea is the google glasses. Imagine having to interact with the current physical environment you are in, but seeing it entirely as a game environment. Imagine going anywhere in town and being able to be physically exhausted, your self being the actual player. The only thing that can't happen is your death. The narrative would be entirely different depending on where you go and what/whom you interact with. There are so many things that must be thought of when it comes down to interacting with actual real people. Are they part of the game too? Do you get extra points for interacting with someone? Maybe they too are playing the virtual game and in the same environment. Hopefully the narrative will be more interesting and not as disappointing as some games today. But then again, just as every book has a different story, so too must the games, wether they have amazing narrative or not!

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